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So, I was stuck at home recently and I really didn’t feel like ordering out. One, I didn’t have the funds even though I probably could’ve made a way. But most importantly, even if I did pull the funds, it was still going to be hella expensive!
I recently bought sourdough bread, alfalfa sprouts, and avocados to make avocado toast and I figured since I had a little cheese on me, why not? Why not flip my avocado toast to be a green goddess grilled cheese?
The ingredients are relatively simple:
- Alfalfa sprouts
- Mashed sprouts
- Spinach (I didn’t include spinach in mine but I will next time!)
- Tomatillo (I also didn’t include it, but I will next time!)
- Cheese (I used shredded Mexican cheese)
- Any type of bread of your preference.
- Butter (to grill the bread)
To make, it’s even simpler!
- Combine all of the ingredients. I would place the cheese first on the bread, then the avocado, and then everything else you want, topping again with the cheese (so both sliced bread have melted cheese)
- Butter a large frying pan and melt butter over low-medium heat.
- When butter is melted, place each sandwich in the pan, and cover with fitting lid.
- Cook for approximately 5 minutes per side or until the cheese is completely melted and continue cooking and flipping until the cheese is fully melted. Serve and enjoy with your favorite sides.

How do you like to spruce up your grilled cheese sandwiches?